X-ray Crystallography Services

X-ray Crystallography Services

What is X-ray crystallography?

X-ray crystallography is a remarkable scientific technique that is widely used for the determination of the intricate atomic and molecular structure of crystalline materials. The diffraction pattern, comprising a series of spots that correspond to distinct planes of atoms in the crystal, contains crucial information about the atomic arrangement within the crystal lattice. By scrutinizing the position and intensity of these spots, researchers can unravel the mysterious three-dimensional structure of the molecule under investigation. This significant piece of information is vital for comprehending the intricate properties and behavior of the molecule.

With its unwavering commitment to meet the dynamic needs of its clients worldwide, BOC Sciences stands out as a premier provider of X-ray crystallography lab services. Using the latest technological advancements, We offer state-of-the-art lab facilities and expert personnel, ensuring an unparalleled level of accuracy and efficiency in its service delivery.

Application of X-ray crystallography for small molecules

X-ray crystallography, a technique that employs the diffraction of X-rays by crystals to elucidate the precise arrangement of atoms within small molecules, provides a wealth of information necessary for comprehending the intricate properties and behavior of the molecule, as well as for designing new molecules with desired properties.

The essentiality of X-ray crystallography in the pharmaceutical industry lies in its ability to study the interactions between small molecules and their biological targets, paving the way for the discovery of novel, more potent, and selective drugs by effectively designing new compounds that interact more effectively with the target.

X-ray crystallography also has significant implications in materials science, where it can be used to delve into the atomic-level structure and properties of materials, enabling the development of new materials with bespoke properties, including but not limited to, strength, durability, or conductivity.

Furthermore, X-ray crystallography plays a critical role in chemical synthesis, aiding in the identification of the structures of new compounds and illuminating the mechanisms of chemical reactions.

Process of X-ray crystallography

The riveting process of X-ray crystallography is a quintessential scientific endeavor that unravels the innermost intricacies of the universe. The preparation of the sample for this arduous task requires nothing short of high-quality crystals that are fit for X-ray diffraction analysis. It is not for the faint of heart as the delicate process of data collection involves mounting the crystal on a goniometer and exposing it to a beam of X-rays that illuminates its every crevice. The diffraction pattern produced by the crystal is captured on a detector and analyzed with painstaking precision to determine the positions of the atoms within the crystal lattice.

Data processing, a critical step in this perplexing process, is a labyrinthine affair that involves reducing, scaling, and merging the diffraction pattern data to determine the intensities and positions of the diffraction spots. This intricate step is essential for calculating the electron density map of the crystal, a task that requires nothing less than a mastermind to complete.

Structure determination, the next challenging step, involves utilizing the electron density map to unravel the positions of the atoms within the crystal lattice. It's a task that requires the utmost precision, involving model building, refinement, and validation. One misstep in this laborious process could send the whole experiment spiraling out of control.

The final stage of the X-ray crystallography process is structure analysis, where the final atomic coordinates and structure factors are put under the microscope to reveal the structural features of the compound, such as bond lengths, angles, and torsion angles. This stage is not for the faint of heart, as it requires a keen eye for detail and a mind that can process complex data in a matter of moments.

As the cherry on top, the final atomic coordinates and structure factors are deposited in a public database, such as the Protein Data Bank, for use by the scientific community. This step is critical in advancing scientific knowledge and promoting the growth of the scientific community. It is a fitting finale to the laborious and labyrinthine process of X-ray crystallography.

Our X-ray Crystallography Services

  • X-ray diffraction data collection
  • Preliminary analysis of small molecule and protein crystals
  • Small molecule and protein 3D structure determination
  • Absolute configuration of chiral molecules
  • Assistance with small molecule crystallization

If you have questions about our services at any time, just give us a call or send us an email at . We will do all we can to meet your needs.

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