Enable and Impart Late Stage NCE or "Marketed Compounds"

Enable and Impart Late Stage NCE or "Marketed Compounds"

Recently, generic drugs account for a growing proportion of the global small molecule drug market, and the biosimilars are supposed to gain more achievements in the biopharmaceutical field. More importantly, there are an increasing amount of active generic/biosimilar companies are focusing their attention on the development of generics parallel to innovative companies. Therefore, this is critical for many pharmaceutical companies seeking to maximize the value of their products by optimizing the life cycle management (LCM) of branded drugs.

Below is a list of our services for your management of your product's lifecycle:

Enable and Impart Late Stage NCE or Marketed Compounds

Improve the safety and compliance

Given the severe drug safety-related issues, there are increasing regulatory requirements governing the post-approval pharmacovigilance. Improving the safety profile of your pharmaceuticals is, therefore, of great importance to your management of product’s lifecycle. Drug adherence and compliance are another complex issue that should be carefully considered because it has a large adverse effect on long-term treatment, resulting in reduced efficiency.

  • rapid onset
  • taste masking
  • palatable formulation of chewable
  • fast-dispersible tablets
  • new route delivery

To maximize the lifespan of your existing pharmaceutical products, we will design a detailed protocol and discuss the most valuable development strategies with you. With access to a wide array of specialized technologies, BOC Sciences offers you a variety of new formulation strategies to create successful new products and expand your specificity.

  • Enhance clinical benefits: Modified or sustained release technologies to improve clinical benefits
  • Reformulate: A new dose form or strength to unlock new markets and indications
  • Synergistic Combinations: Combine your API with other drugs to simplify patient compliance or address unmet clinical needs
  • Solubility enhancement: Technology used to improve bioavailability

We provide innovative formulation strategies including but not limited to:

  • Modified release formulation (gastric bypass, targeted or controlled delivery, biphasic release, etc.)
  • Sustained release or delayed release formulation
  • Micro-/Nano-sphere preparation technology
  • Microcapsule preparation technology
  • Liposomes preparation technology (clodronate liposomes, ATP liposomes, reactive liposomes, etc.)

Why Choose BOC Sciences?

BOC Sciences has extensive experiences in cooperation with many bio/pharmaceutical companies to promote products to market quicker and reduce the development costs. We are professional in both the commercialization of innovative pharmaceuticals and life cycle management strategies. Additionally, our experts not only focus on the time period from release to patent expiration, but also participate in your project plan throughout the lifecycle from discovery to retirement.


  1. Ellery, T., & Hansen, N. (2012). Pharmaceutical lifecycle management: making the most of each and every brand. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Hein, T., & Contributors, K. (2015). Product Lifecycle Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Oracle Life Sciences. Page-1-2.

If you have questions about our services at any time, just give us a call or send us an email at . We will do all we can to meet your needs.

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