Reaction Condition Optimization

Reaction Condition Optimization

As new drugs continue to be marketed, strategies to improve drug development and manufacturing processes become critical. In the development of pharmaceutical and chemical products, it is becoming more and more important to improve the yield, reduce waste and reduce cost by optimizing the reaction conditions. The balance among three main manufacturing points such as output, cost and step number can be achieved by reaction condition optimization. At the same time, optimizing reaction conditions is part of a strategy to bring new chemical entities to market or extend the life cycle of existing products.

BOC Sciences provides reaction condition optimization service supported by chemists with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Various factors have an influence on the reaction, such as concentration of the reactants, temperature, pressure, surface area of reaction system and solvent.

Reaction Condition Optimization

By optimizing these reaction conditions, our chemists can achieve the desired result to meet your requirement.


The reaction rate of almost all reactions increases as the temperature rises because system temperature causes the increase of the average kinetic of its constituent particles and leads to more frequent particles collision per unit time, which can increase the speed of response. Moreover, in systems with more than one reaction, different products can be produced with the same reactants at different reaction temperature.

Two substances will react with each other only on the condition that their constituent particles (molecules, atoms or ions) are in contact. The reaction rate will be zero if no any contact between two substances. The more particles collision, the higher the frequency of reaction occurs. Therefore, the reaction rate increases usually with the increase of reactant concentration.

For a chemical reaction containing gaseous substances, when the pressure of the reaction container increase, the system volume reduces. And then the concentration of the gaseous reactants increases, leading to the number of effective collisions in the unit volume increases. Therefore, the chemical reaction rate increases as the pressure of the system increases.

If a reaction is heterogeneous, the reactants are dispersed in different phases, and particles collisions of among reactants can only occur at the interface between the phases. As a result, the number of collisions between reactants per unit time is reduced drastically compared with the homogeneous phase, so the rate of reaction decreases. The reaction rates will increase through using surface area effects.

For chemical synthetic, most reaction are performed in solvents, so the nature of the solvent also affects the reaction rate. The different reaction results will appear with the same reactants in different solvents.

BOC Sciences is proud to provide you reaction condition optimization service. Our experts have been developing and implementing a wide variety of pathways in chemical reactions. Our process chemists can develop a wide variety of pathways in chemical reactions.


  1. Ramezani, K., Rowshanzamir, S., & Eikani, M. H. (2010). Castor oil transesterification reaction: a kinetic study and optimization of parameters. Energy, 35(10), 4142-4148.
  2. HAO, L. Y., ZHOU, R. M., ZHOU, F., & LI, F. (2008). A reaction condition optimization for phosphorus removal from wastewater by magnesium ammonium phosphate sedimentation [J]. Industrial Water & Wastewater, 1, 015.

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